Help the Burra History Group

Can you help us with photographs?

The Burra History Group has a large collection of digitised photographs which are accessible to researchers. We would like to add to this collection with images from both the distant past and more recent times. We are particularly interested in photographs showing places that have changed or of buildings that no longer exist. Other categories we are seeking would include one off events, such as Copper Festivals, yacht races, or visits from notable people.

There are some strange or unexpected gaps in our collection; for example we have no photographs of Copperhouse or Hampton when people were in residence. Burra North as a whole is poorly represented in our collection.

We are always interested in dramatic events such as floods, fires, snow, and accidents. Events in the last fifty years are not as well represented as you might expect and we would like to add a good representation of this period to our collection.

If you are prepared to send photographs from your collection please go to the Contact page where there is a button to upload images. If possible, please could you send a high resolution copy. For photographs since 1954 for copyright purposes please include permission from the photographer for the Burra History Group to use them in publications. For all photographs please give at least an approximate date when they were taken, if that is possible.

Donations of objects.

The Burra History Group does not have facilities for the storage of either paper/photographic images or other items. It is keen to maintain digital copies but cannot accept actual items for preservation or display.

The only probable Copperhouse photograph (other than school groups) is this, which we think was taken circa 1910.

The visit of South Australian Governor Sir Edric Bastyan in November 1962.

Examples of the type of photographs that would be appreciated.

Yacht Race on the Burra Creek of uncertain date, but note the vacant corner block in the background as it was before the erection of the automatic telephone exchange in 1981.

Copper Festival 1972

Copperhouse school of unknown date.

Flooding in Commercial Street on 14 January 1995